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8 Ways To Support Your Church

As church members, we all want to help our churches grow and thrive. However, supporting your church goes far beyond attending services each week. Supporting your church is about actively participating and contributing to the church’s mission and investing in your community! Here are 8 ways to support your church and foster a generous community:

1. Engage in Church Involvement

One of the most impactful ways to support your church is by becoming more involved in its events, ministries, and activities. You could attend church events, join small groups, volunteer in the nursery, and participate in Bible studies. Church involvement helps build a stronger community because you often meet good friends as you do these activities, and as a bonus, it can deepen your faith as well. The Bible mentions the importance of communing with fellow believers, such as Romans 12:4-5 (NIV) – “For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.”

2. Volunteer to Serve at Church

Volunteering is a great hands-on way to support your church. Whether it’s teaching Sunday School classes, assisting with the youth group, or helping with church maintenance, your time and talents are invaluable to your church. If you don’t see a specific volunteering opportunity available – ask your church leaders and find something that aligns with your gifts and skills, whether that be event planning, design, photography, or admin help. Volunteering at church not only aids in church operations but also fosters a sense of belonging and purpose. You will meet new people, people who have been at the church for a while, and people who may want to invest in you.

3. Practice Stewardship in the Church

Stewardship in the church involves responsibly managing the resources God has entrusted to you. This isn’t just about money; it includes time and God-given talents. By practicing good stewardship, you contribute to the church’s sustainability and growth.

4. Create A Welcoming Church Environment

There is nothing better than feeling welcomed when you enter a place where you don’t know anyone. It may be great to introduce yourself to new faces, offer your friendship, or even invite them to lunch after church. For a more introverted newcomer, it may mean a lot to simply say ‘good morning’ or ask if they need anything. Creating a welcoming environment allows people visiting your church to want to come back the next week, and then become fully involved in the church.

5. Engage in Church Outreach or Missionary Programs

Church outreach programs are vital for community engagement and spreading the gospel. We are all called to be the hands and feet of Christ. Church members can participate in or support these programs through donations, volunteering, or spreading the Word; your involvement helps extend the Church’s reach and impact. You can also support your church’s missionary efforts by participating in mission trips, donating to mission projects, or praying for missionaries. Missionary work is crucial for spreading the gospel and supporting global communities!

6. Share Church Activities on Social Media

Word-of-mouth is often the most powerful way to get the word out, so churchgoers can use your social media platforms to promote church events, services, and activities! Sharing church content can help spread the word and invite more people to participate in church activities, which expands the church’s reach in general.

7. Help Increase Generosity in Your Church

Encouraging generosity within the congregation is essential to the church’s ministries. As a church member, you can share stories of how giving has impacted lives and ministries with others in your community and the church staff. Highlighting these examples can inspire others to contribute, creating a culture of generosity that supports the church’s mission!

Teaching and encouraging biblical principles of giving can help create generous people who then create generous churches. Churchgoers can also encourage your church to provide transparent reports on how donations are used and celebrate the impact of generosity. You can also suggest great resources to church leaders on how to increase a culture of giving at your church, such as the Legacy Impact Living 30-Day Devotional.

8. Understand How To Help the Church Financially

As a part of a church congregation, it is great to be educated on different ways to help the church financially. This can include traditional tithes, special offerings, and non-cash gifts like stocks or property. Church leaders should ideally provide clear information on how these options can encourage greater generosity.

Supporting your church involves a combination of involvement, generosity, and proactive stewardship. By volunteering, engaging in church ministries, and promoting generosity, you can help your church thrive and fulfill its mission. Your active participation and support are vital in building a strong, vibrant, and generous church community. We fully believe that generous people make generous churches!

MortarStone services provide strategic and effective tools to not only give a church management software with insight and metrics on giving, but also coaching to help high-capacity givers think more creatively in their giving and learn how to leave legacy gifts to the Church. Learn more about MortarStone and how we can impact your church by getting in touch today!