90-Day Tithe

Customer Spotlight: 90-Day Tithe Challenge

We love sharing stories of how God is using MortarStone churches to fund the cause of Christ. This month we’re featuring CrossCity Christian Church in Fresno, California.

CrossCity is a MortarStone user as well as one of our generosity coaching churches. Over the last year, we’ve worked with CrossCity to develop and build generosity systems that encourage giving through financial discipleship.

CrossCity recently began a 90-day tithing challenge. For their 90-day challenge, they planned a weekend giving message, a series of emails, a simple sign-up process, and they featured the challenge on their giving web page.

“We had 142 families take part in our 90-day tithe challenge. Giving from these families has increased 110% since taking the challenge, which has resulted in an overall giving increase of $173,872 to date.”

Andrew Wingeier, CFO, CrossCity Church, Fresno, CA

Many thanks to Andrew at CrossCity for sharing this incredible story, and we feel very fortunate to be part of such a wonderful ministry. It’s amazing to see the blessings that God has provided through this 90-day challenge at CrossCity.

If you would like to consider a giving challenge at your church or if you would like more information on generosity coaching from MortarStone, please contact us – we’d love the opportunity to help you reach your funding goals.