A banner for MortarStone titled 'Appended Data For Churches: A Tool For Fostering Generosity' featuring a clean, professional design with icons representing people connected by lines, symbolizing networked data.

Appended Data For Churches: A Tool For Fostering Generosity

What is Appended Data?

Appended Data uses a name and a physical address and matches it to publicly available data to create a persona of who that household is. For example, every 10 years our Federal government takes a survey to better understand the country. The last one was done in 2020, and it applies the results to a census block. MortarStone uses this data to help church users map their database and visualize things like median income, age, and even home value. Many of our church users will use this data when planning campus expansions to better understand drive times as well as community data.

In addition to census data, there are several Fortune 500 companies that serve both for-profit and nonprofits in the area of customer and donor intelligence. Our Giver Screening is a household-level appended report rather than a grouping in a census block.

How Do Churches Use Appended Data? 

If you have ever been a part of a capital campaign then you have done some level of ‘wealth screening’. You have looked at a list of top givers, met with them to share your vision, and asked them to invest through your church to advance God’s Kingdom. Although this approach is common, it’s not very sophisticated. Using appended data can help identify people with giving capacity that haven’t surfaced as top givers. Oftentimes they are generous, but that doesn’t mean they are generous towards your church.

How Do Churches Use Appended Data to Disciple and Improve Engagement?

We like to say nonprofits fundraise while churches ‘faithraise’. It’s subtle, but there is a distinct difference. Fundraising is making an appeal to a compelling vision, whereas faithraising is teaching people the principles of stewardship rather than ownership, and helping them not to place their trust in money, but rather our Heavenly Father. Sounds simple enough, right? The fact is, few churches have a ministry to the wealthy, yet that is biblical. In 1 Timothy 6:17-19, Paul’s teaching is clear, we need to disciple those with wealth or abundance and teach them how to enjoy their wealth through a biblical lens.

How Can MortarStone Help My Church With Appended Data?

MortarStone has long been the thought leader in creating helpful reports of your leadership using your giving data. However, we are also very strong in using external data to help leaders accelerate generosity and church growth. 

Want to learn more about how church partners can use appended data to grow generosity? For more information, get in touch with us today!


David Thoroughman

Co-Founder & CEO