Summer Giving

3 Ways to Avoid the Summer Giving Slump

Summer is upon us and for most churches, this ushers in a time of lower attendance and reduced giving. Although we can’t avoid the season, we can take steps now to encourage generosity over the summer and develop plans for a strong fall season. 

1. Tell the Story of Your Numbers

Asking people to give and encouraging recurring giving are important, but to really get your congregation on board with summer giving, you need to tell your story. Giving transparency builds trust with congregants and informs them of the ministry’s needs. 

a. Design an infographic that shows the various summer ministries supported through continued giving. 

  1. Camps
  2. Missions
  3. VBS
  4. Church Classes

Make sure to email and post this infographic on your social media platform. Always have a CTA (call to action) that encourages people to give to these ministries through your website. 

2. Redesign Your Giving Webpage 

Your website is the best place to direct visitors and members to learn more about your church. Your giving page should inspire them to join the mission of the church and participate in fulfilling your goals. 

Summer is a great time to redesign and promote a new giving webpage. 

According to, eight seconds is the average person’s attention span, and only 28 percent of words are read on an average web page. Instead of wasting time creating text-only web pages, reduce the text and use attention-grabbing items such as videos, images, and bullet points.

Remember to tell your giving story with life-change videos and short blogs. Encourage recurring gifts, but most importantly, let givers know that they can give substantial contributions through non-cash giving. Do you need help with your giving webpage? We can provide you with a blueprint and step-by-step guide for improving contributions through your giving page – contact us for more information. 

3. Offer Financial Workshops 

Summer is an excellent time to offer finance and generosity workshops. These workshops can be a one-off training or take place over multiple weeks through a summer small-group series. Did you know that we offer onsite workshops for your givers? 

Our trainings include workshops designed for givers of all ages. The following topics are covered –  

  • Wills & Trusts
  • Tax-Smart Giving
  • Personal Generosity & Legacy Design

Additionally, these workshops come with take-home training booklets and follow-up giver conversations to reinforce the financial topics discussed. Get more information on MortarStone financial workshops, click here to request more info. 

Ward off the summer giving slump by employing all three strategies, and don’t forget to ASK your congregation to continue giving during the busy summer months.