Have you ever considered wealth creation through the lens of Biblical generosity? Is accumulation good? The modern-day ‘barn builder’ doesn’t build barns; instead, they continue to expand their balance sheet. Is that a problem? Maybe…
Philanthropy or charitable giving continues to grow. A record 449 billion dollars was given in 2019 (2020 stats not released). And yet another record was recorded too – giving to faith-based organizations declined. A multi-decade decline, by the way!
Wealth creation is not equal across generational cohorts. Moreover, the gap between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’ increases, with the vast majority of transferred wealth lasting only one generation. Is this because we don’t teach how to transfer wealth with a Kingdom perspective versus a secular world view, or because we don’t teach Kingdom values to help ensure the next generation stewards it well?

As church leaders, should we be concerned? We think so! Church funding, by and large, is more dependent than ever on the backs of the few, not the many. What does that say about our churches if teaching generosity is a tenant of discipleship? Suppose giving, more specifically, living generously, is a proxy to understanding our ability to disciple people. What is this telling us about our teaching and how our congregations are receiving it? What should we be thinking about with the next generation?
MortarStone has answers to many of these questions. We are helping churches grow generosity, produce massive giving upgrades, and ensure that not only is wealth transferred well, but the values which accompanied one of the greatest wealth creation generations are being taught.
If you want to exponentially grow giving or have an unfunded vision that needs financial resources, let’s talk. After all, data is great, but there is little benefit to you or your givers without a strategy and implementation plan.