MortarStone Featured Gold Sponsor for Christian Stewardship Network Forum

MortarStone Featured as Gold Sponsor for 2018 Christian Stewardship Network Forum

  • Hundreds of church senior leadership teams attend the annual Christian Stewardship Network Forum (CSN) to connect, learn and exchange collective wisdom on stewardship ministry best-practices for the local church.

Dallas, Texas, February 16, 2018

Christian Stewardship Network (CSN) is the premier network of stewardship pastors and senior church leaders from around the country. Annually, CSN invites hundreds of church-leaders to collectively meet and exchange best practices for disciplining and reaching their communities. MortarStone is featured as the Gold sponsor at this year’s event which will be held on February 26-28 at Gateway Church in Dallas, Texas. As the Gold sponsor, MortarStone will provide expert knowledge during breakout sessions on how churches can use metrics to manage and measure the overall stewardship health of their churches.

“CSN is the leading network of executive-level church leaders. We at MortarStone are honored to be asked as a Gold sponsor and presenter for this year’s forum.”  David Thoroughman, MortarStone, Co-Founder & CEO

The CSN Forum is a 2-day event that features main sessions presented by the country’s leading pastors and church leaders as well as breakout sessions from best-of-breed faith-based companies.  Learn more about this event and register your team today.


MortarStone provides churches with unique data insights to connect and disciple their givers. Using discipleship driven analytics and easy-to-use customized reporting tools, MortarStone advances ministries further, faster with an integrated stewardship platform.  

For more information contact:

Nikki Flaming