Giving Personalities – What Giving Amounts Say About Personalities & Lifestyles

We wish there was a magic formula that allowed us to identify the perfect discipleship measures for each unique giver, but there isn’t. If you spend any time working relationally with people, you quickly find that everyone has different situational reasons for giving. What you can determine are generalizations based on giving amounts. These generalizations, although not always perfect, do allow us to plan and identify some of the basic generosity discipleship needs of our givers.

We’ve put together the personality types of givers found within MortarStone to help you better target discipleship initiatives. If you’re not using MortarStone, you can use an exported excel file to segment your givers through your ChMS or payment processing platform.

Band 1 Givers

Those that give at least $200 a year to your church

Band 1 givers are typically, first-time givers and are the most at-risk segment of givers. These givers are new to giving at your church and have a desire to give but need a relational connection to continue giving. Band 1 givers desire financial transparency and need to be told how their giving is impacting the community.

Band 1 givers might also be visitors and or one-time givers.  Regardless of the reason for their gift, they need to have a relational connection to engage in giving. If both first-time givers and visitors are not followed up with, they will become lapsed givers.

  • Financial Classes to Offer: Debt, Budgeting, Planning
  • Church Opportunities to Offer: Welcome Meetings, Get Connected/Serving Opportunities, Demographically targeted ministry opportunities (example – single female giver should be referred to the Women’s Ministry)

Note: Band 1 Givers should be funding 10% of your annual yearly budget. 

Band 2 Givers

Those that give $200 – $1000 per year to your church

Like Band 1 givers, these givers can potentially be New Givers or Visitors to your church. It’s essential to access the frequency of their gifts. Do they give once a year, infrequently, or on a recurring schedule? Once you’ve determined their giving frequency, you should begin to relationally connect with these givers.

Band 2 givers have connected with your church and believe in the mission, but have not moved their giving threshold beyond the $1000 per year amount. Band 2 givers typically live beyond their means and rely heavily on credit cards and loans. They have a desire to be more generous but lack the discipline to budget and make lifestyle sacrifices.

  • Financial Classes to Offer: Debt, Budgeting, Planning
  • Church Opportunities to Offer: Get Connected/Serving Opportunities, Targeted ministry opportunities

Note: Band 2 Givers should be funding 25% of your annual yearly budget. 

Band 3 Givers

Those that give $1000 – $5000 per year to your church

Band 3 givers are regularly attending services online or in-person. These givers are content with the church, its vision, mission, and leadership. Although Band 3 givers support the church, they may not be serving in a ministry. These givers need to be encouraged to join small groups, volunteer or participate in classes.

Band 3 givers need to understand the importance of their gifts and how they are impacting the community. Invite these givers to join the mission of the church and its future work.

  • Financial Classes to Offer: Budgeting & Planning
  • Church Opportunities to Offer: Get Connected/Serving Opportunities, Targeted ministry opportunities, Impact/Change Opportunities

Note: Band 3 Givers should be funding 25% of your annual yearly budget. 



Band 4 Givers

Those that give $5000 – $10,000 per year to your church

Band 4 givers are your biggest supporters. These are the people that are completely on board with your church’s vision and understand the opportunity for life-change through giving.

Band 4 givers are typically very generous and, when asked, will give additional support where needed. These givers need to have a relationship with a leader on staff and should be involved in serving. If they are not serving, this is an excellent opportunity to use their talents for potential leadership positions at your church.

  • Financial Classes to Offer: Planning, Planned Giving, Generosity Leadership
  • Church Opportunities to Offer: Get Connected/Serving Opportunities, Targeted ministry opportunities, Impact/Change Opportunities

Note: Band 4 Givers should be funding 25% of your annual yearly budget. 

Band 5 Givers

Those that give $10,000+ per year to your church


Like Band 4 givers, Band 5 givers are your biggest supporters. These givers believe in generously giving and providing for the needs of the church. These givers will typically be the first to provide additional resources when asked. Assess this group of givers and ensure that they are not as a whole, providing over 25% of your church funding.  You will have less Band 5 givers than any other giving segment, but they might be providing the majority of your annual funding. Having a top-heavy giving pattern puts your church at financial risk. If a few of your Band 5 households leave the church or stop giving, your budget could be financially distressed.

Band 5 givers should be involved in ministry leadership at your church and have a personal relationship with your pastoral staff. If they are not serving, this is an excellent opportunity to get them involved. Also, if you are not familiar with these givers, a personal connection should be made.

You will find that the majority of your Band 5 givers are aged 55+ years of age. Demographically, these givers should be presented with opportunities to give non-cash, asset-based gifts. Non-cash gifts can be 300 times greater than the total yearly gifts of the giver. Presented with the right asset-based gift options, Band 5 givers will reevaluate their current gift options and plan to make a more significant ministry impact with long-term sustainable gift-giving.

  • Financial Classes to Offer: Planned Giving, Generosity Leadership
  • Church Opportunities to Offer: Leadership Opportunities, Targeted ministry opportunities, Impact/Change Opportunities

Note: Band 5 Givers should be funding 15% of your annual yearly budget. 

Learn more about identifying your givers and strategies to increase giving. Schedule a meeting with one of our Generosity Advisors.