Gunnar Johnson, founder of and co-founder of Financial Freedom International, has merged with MortarStone, the premier discipleship-driven, giving data analytics company.
Along with Gunnar Johnson, MortarStone’s founders, Craig Rogers and David Thoroughman, describe this partnership as the merging of two ‘best of class’ companies to provide holistic stewardship analytics, coaching and asset-based giving strategies.

Gunnar Johnson has been in stewardship and generosity ministry since 1999 starting on staff with Crown Financial Ministry. Since 2001, Gunnar has been involved with Dave Ramsey as a financial coach and class leader. While serving as Executive Pastor of Financial Stewardship at Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, Gunnar helped to architect one of the largest stewardship ministries in the country with more than 150 volunteers serving thousands of people per year.
Gunnar is the author of Generous Life Journey, Financial Freedom course, Delete Debt course and The Generous Church Journey. Gunnar served as a board member for the Christian Stewardship Network for over ten years and ministers to people across Europe with Genistar Financial using his co-authored Financial Freedom International curriculum.
MortarStone was founded in 2012 by Craig Rogers and David Thoroughman with the vision to build a company that allows data and managed workflows to improve the growth and discipleship processes within the church. MortarStone has helped over 1000 churches nationwide track over 10 billion dollars in giving from millions of givers.
The partnership between and MortarStone provides a full-service combination of church giving analytics, generosity coaching, membership assimilation, and turnkey solutions for asset giving. The goal of this partnership is to provide comprehensive stewardship resources to churches around the world, helping the church to be better funded to achieve its mission for Christ.