Next Generation Philanthropy: Asset-Based Giving Strategies

What does it mean to have an asset-based giving strategy and how do you go about finding the givers that would qualify to be approached for this type of giving? During this webinar Fulcrum Philanthropy Services and MortarStone will help you understand what asset-based giving looks like, how your givers can benefit from this type of giving and who these givers are within your congregation.

Below are a few of the concepts discussed in the webinar.

Let’s put things into perspective with a few statistics…

The average person has about 9% of their wealth in cash and remaining 91% in assets. Most of what we have in wealth is actually in assets and yet, we hear virtually nothing about asset-based donations in stewardship ministry.

We also see in today’s philanthropy landscape that evangelical giving has decreased 20-30% since the fiscal cliff. Our top givers, those providing 68% of current giving, will no longer be living in 24 years. These donors will transfer wealth in the amount of over $41 trillion−most of which will not be given to the local church.

How do we change this paradigm?

  1. We have to fill the planning gap – this is not another campaign but a long-range discipleship strategy that helps givers understand the value of asset-based giving.
  1. We need to pursue legacy gifts and current gifts of assets – this is not just a once-a-year seminar on Wills. But we need to teach people on a regular basis the tax-saving benefits and importance of giving legacy gifts and transferring assets. (check out the “real-life” tax-savings example in the webinar above)
  1. We need to start looking at our church metrics and using MortarStone to identify the givers we need to disciple with these strategies. MortarStone amplifies your ability to understand the nature of these givers.

How do we identify these asset-based givers?

MortarStone evaluates the behaviors of your givers by using metric-based analytics to identify potential situations for stewardship growth.

MortarStone evaluates –

  1. How recent has the giver has given to your ministry
  2. How many total gifts have been given
  3. What is the total lifetime giving amount
  4. How many total days has the giver actively been giving

By using this data, MortarStone gives you a glimpse of who is really engaged in your ministry.

Once these Givers are identified, MortarStone assigns a grade to each of these givers based on their particular behaviors. What is their total income, how many investments do they hold and how does this affect their total net worth? From these figures MortarStone scores each giver, ranking them in order of importance or potential for your ministry.

Using the strategies that Fulcrum provides and the metrics available through MortarStone, your ministry can surface the individuals that have the potential to benefit from tax saving, asset-based giving options.

Watch the full webinar for real-life examples and detailed information on how Fulcrum and MortarStone can help you achieve your stewardship goals.

Learn more about Fulcrum Philanthropy Systems and how they can help you create an asset-based giving strategy.

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