End Of Year Giving Guide

End Of Year Giving Guide

Is it possible for us to have hearts that are fully alive, faithfully generous, and incredibly fulfilled? Can we find that freedom of expanse when we choose to let go and flow in the nature of our Creator?

In a world where there often seems to be a lack, we find our faith by bringing our best to the King – whether that is 2 pennies or millions of dollars. Let every heart prayerfully consider how we can prepare and make room for His purpose this season.

During this giving season, let’s search within and overflow with gifts that will reach people from our neighborhoods to the nations as we joyfully proclaim, “The Lord has come…Let Earth receive her King!”

Ignite Kingdom and Ministry Funding Today, Tomorrow and in Creative Ways!

In this guide, you’ll find information on –

  • Year-End Planning Check List
  • Developing Year-End Messages
  • Creative Ways to Maximize Giving
  • End-of-Year Dates to Remember
  • and, much more!

Download the Giving Season 2022 Guide – fill out this form to get your copy today!