Key Communication Strategies for Giving During Crisis

Now that we are facing unprecedented changes, it’s essential that we communicate with complete transparency to our church members. We’ve put together a sample of daily communication options that you can use to maintain and potentially grow giving during this time.

  1. Communicate early and often using all media outlets. (email, church app, social media, website, radio broadcasts etc.)
  2. Include information and instructions for online and recurring giving alongside worship service updates.
  3. During online worship services, direct givers to give online as a form of worship.
  4. Thanking new givers becomes more important than ever! Send thank you notes to first, second, and third-time givers.
  5. Follow up with all lapsed givers. Use this time to pick up the phone and call people to see if they have needs you can pray with them about.

Day 1

Provide a short devotion from a pastor on staff. Communicate the church’s ability to help in times of need and where they can get help. Tell the church where they can watch services online and meet with ministry small groups through online services, such as Zoom or Skype.

Day 2

Provide a short devotion from a pastor. Tell your church about the people you are helping and what their continued gifts are funding. Be transparent! Invite your church to continue helping with these needs (via online giving and through recurring giving).

 Day 3

Provide a short devotion from a pastor. Tell a story of a  need that is being met and where people can get help. Set up online prayer support, forums, or chat abilities. At MortarStone, we use Slack to communicate quickly and easily with our groups.

Day 4

Provide a short devotion from a pastor. Reassure people of God’s truths and build confidence in your church’s ability to weather any trial the world brings. Remind people of online church services, recurring giving, and community chat forums.

Day 5

Provide a short devotion from a pastor. Tell a story about needs being met by your church. Give a testimony from one of your community forums. Encourage church members to attend a short online Bible study provided by a staff pastor every week at the same time.  Remind them to get on board and join the team in continuing with generosity.

Day 6

Provide a short devotion from a pastor. Encourage people to attend services online and where they can continue to be part of the church community through the worship of giving and fellowship.

Day 7

This day is all about worship! Remind people about upcoming church services and have them invite their neighbors to watch services from their homes. Encourage people with stories of people that are being helped through your church. Provide information about your community forums, online giving, and free resources for coping with crisis.

Past Day 7

Use the above schedule and continue with devotions, personal stories, community forums, and online giving options.


Remember – we must communicate every day with our church attendees and let them know that when the church leaves the building, there are still plenty of opportunities to spread the gospel and lead people to Christ.