Givers View

The Givers View tool helps you to surface particular trends and giver metrics from your entire database with the ease and usability you need to understand and process the data quickly. With the Givers View tool, you can easily sort data, add refining filters, and assign tasks to team members.

Here are a few of the options available within the Givers Tool for segmenting your database:

  • Multiple Tag Options: You can choose from several tag options that allow you to filter data based upon membership status, serving history, leadership roles, financial campaigns, and event membership.
  • Smart Tags: These tags allow you to sort your givers based on the amount of gifts that they’ve given, the frequency of gifts and the age of the gifts. You can also customize your own smart tags for more specific results.
  • Locations: If your church has multiple locations, you can sort your households by the giving to a campus.
  • Giving Bands: The foundation of all church giving is built upon its Giving Units. A Giving Unit is defined as those families that give $200 or more per year to your ministry. MortarStone pays close attention to these types of givers because for every $100 of giving, $98 comes from Giving Units. In other words, 98% of total ministry funding comes from these households.

With the Givers Tool, you can separate givers based on the “Giving Band” that they belong to.

Once you have the appropriate filter(s) are selected, you can then sort the data by what your givers are doing with their donations. What that means is, you can see how much has been given this year, in a previous year, the amount they pledged and any previous pledges that are associated with their household.

Drill-down even further by selecting the “Household Record” view, which will show you the name, address, giving range, income, giving frequency, and ministries one particular household is supporting.

In addition to these filters, one of the key features of the Givers View tool is the ability to connect your givers with people in your ministry. After running the data, you can make an educated guess about a particular giver and assign a point of contact from your team to connect with that giver. This allows you the opportunity to further disciple your givers and support them within your ministry. Plus, this tool helps you delegate particular points of contact to your team members, allowing them to use their gifts and talents to further the Kingdom.

This brief overview is really just the beginning of the different ways the Givers View tool can help you analyze your giving data. Watch the full webinar above for more detailed training and real life examples.

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