The Vital Signs Of Church Giving: Understanding & Acting On The Data
Imagine you begin to exhibit health concerns, and you present various symptoms that give rise to concern. One response you could make would be to consult the information superhighway (the ...
What Should Churches Expect with Giving in 2024?
Perhaps the most noted voice in nonprofit philanthropy is Dr. Russell James, who serves as the Professor and CH Foundation Chair in Personal Financial Planning and the Director of Graduate ...
How Church Leaders Can Implement Legacy Impact Living: A 30-Day Devotional
Legacy Impact Living is an electronic, 30-day devotional that has been developed as a discipleship resource for financial leaders and mature (age 60+) givers in your church’s congregation. It will ...
10 Ways To Engage Your Givers
In the life of a church, giving is more than just financial support; it is the lifeblood that fuels its mission and ministry. From sustaining the church's operations to expanding ...
10 Reasons Why You Should Have Giver Conversations
Church leaders – do you have giver conversations? While there are several church growth strategies out there for increasing giving, sometimes you need to get back to basics: sitting down ...
Headwinds and Headlines
Each June, the Giving USA Report is released revealing details regarding philanthropic giving in America for the prior calendar year. Begun in 1956 by the American Association of Fundraising Council, ...
Investing Wisely for the Kingdom
If you've ever invested in real estate, stocks, or even cryptocurrency, chances are you've heard the famous Wall Street saying, "Bears and Bulls make money, but Pigs get slaughtered." It ...
Is Wealth Screening Right for You?
What is Wealth Screening? MortarStone's generosity software was created to measure your givers' recency, frequency, volume, and tenure. But up to this point, the software could not provide insights into ...
Women in Philanthropy
Soon afterward Jesus began a tour of the nearby towns and villages, preaching and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom of God. He took his twelve disciples with him, ...
Webinar: Changing Perspectives – How Giver-Centric Generosity Can Transform Your Church Funding
Watch our latest content-packed webinar on giver-centric generosity and how changing your message can transform church funding. During this webinar, we discuss the following:
- Research-based Facts on Giver-Centric ...